Step 3: Listener support ======================== `Listeners`_ are a way to hook into the request handling. This Bundle provides various events from decoding the request content in the request (body listener), determining the correct response format (format listener), reading parameters from the request (parameter fetcher listener), to formatting the response to xml or json using a serializer (view response listener) as well as automatically setting the accepted HTTP methods in the response (accept listener). With this in mind we will now explain each one of them. All listeners except the ``mime_type`` listener are disabled by default. You can enable one or more of these listeners. For example, below you can see how to enable a few additional listeners: .. code-block:: yaml fos_rest: param_fetcher_listener: true body_listener: true format_listener: enabled: true rules: - { path: '^/', priorities: ['json', 'xml'], fallback_format: 'html' } versioning: true view: view_response_listener: 'force' It is possible to replace the service used for each of the listener if needed. In this case, the Bundle listener will still be configured, however it will not be registered in the kernel. The custom service listener will however not be registered in the kernel, so it is up to the user to register it for the appropriate event: .. code-block:: yaml fos_rest: body_listener: service: my_body_listener my_body_listener: class: Acme\BodyListener tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onKernelRequest, priority: 10 } arguments: ['@fos_rest.decoder_provider', '%fos_rest.throw_exception_on_unsupported_content_type%'] calls: - [setDefaultFormat, ['%fos_rest.body_default_format%']] View Response Listener ---------------------- The view response listener makes it possible to simply return a ``View`` instance from action controllers. The final output will then automatically be processed via the listener by the ``fos_rest.view_handler`` service. This requires adding the `SensioFrameworkExtraBundle`_ to your vendors. For details see :doc:`View Response Listener `. Body Listener ------------- The Request body listener makes it possible to decode the contents of a request in order to populate the "request" parameter bag of the Request. This, for example, allows to receive data that normally would be sent via POST as ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` in a different format (for example ``application/json``) in a PUT. Please note that this listener is supposed to allow you to decode and normalize data. If you want to deserialize data, meaning getting an object of your choice, you will be better off using the Request Body Converter Listener, documented below. For details see :doc:`Body Listener `. Request Body Converter Listener ------------------------------- `ParamConverters`_ are a way to populate objects and inject them as controller method arguments. The Request body converter makes it possible to deserialize the request body into an object. This converter requires that you have installed `SensioFrameworkExtraBundle`_ and have the converters enabled. For details see :doc:`Request Body Converter Listener `. Format Listener --------------- The Request format listener attempts to determine the best format for the request based on the HTTP Accept header and the format priority configuration. This way it becomes possible to leverage ``Accept-Headers`` to determine the request format, rather than a file extension (like ``foo.json``). For details see :doc:`Format Listener `. Versioning ---------- This listener attempts to determine the current api version from different parameters of the ``Request``: * the uri ``/{version}/users`` * a query parameter ``/users?version=v1`` * an ``Accept`` header ``Accept: application/json; version=1.0`` * a custom header ``X-Accept-Version: v1`` For details see :doc:`Versioning `. Mime Type Listener ------------------ This listener allows registering additional mime types in the ``Request`` class. It works similar to the `mime type listener`_ available in Symfony since 2.5. .. code-block:: yaml fos_rest: view: mime_types: {'jsonp': ['application/javascript+jsonp']} Param Fetcher Listener ---------------------- The param fetcher listener simply sets the ParamFetcher instance as a request attribute configured for the matched controller so that the user does not need to do this manually. For details see :doc:`Param Fetcher Listener `. Allowed Http Methods Listener ----------------------------- This listener adds the ``Allow`` HTTP header to each request appending all allowed methods for a given resource. Let's say we have the following routes: .. code-block:: text api_get_users api_post_users api_get_user A ``GET`` request to ``api_get_users`` will respond with: .. code-block:: text HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:17:22 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Allow: GET, POST You need to enable this listener as follows, as it is disabled by default: .. code-block:: yaml fos_rest: allowed_methods_listener: true Zone Listener ------------- As you can see, FOSRestBundle provides multiple event listeners to enable REST-related features. By default, these listeners will be registered to all requests and may conflict with other parts of your application. Using the ``zone`` configuration, you can specify where the event listeners will be enabled. The zone configuration allows to configure multiple zones in which the above listeners will be active. If no zone is configured, it means that the above listeners will not be limited. If at least one zone is configured then the above listeners will be skipped for all requests that do not match at least one zone. For a single zone config entry can contain matching rules on the request ``path``, ``host``, ``methods`` and ``ip``. .. code-block:: yaml fos_rest: zone: - { path: ^/api/* } Priorities ---------- ========================== ===================== ======== Listener Event Priority ========================== ===================== ======== ``ZoneMatcherListener`` ``kernel.request`` 248 ``MimeTypeListener`` ``kernel.request`` 200 ``FormatListener`` ``kernel.request`` 34 ``VersionListener`` ``kernel.request`` 33 ``BodyListener`` ``kernel.request`` 10 ``ParamFetcherListener`` ``kernel.controller`` 5 ``ViewResponseListener`` ``kernel.controller`` -10 ``ViewResponseListener`` ``kernel.view`` 100 ``AllowedMethodsListener`` ``kernel.response`` 0 ========================== ===================== ======== That was it! .. _`Listeners`: .. _`SensioFrameworkExtraBundle`: .. _`ParamConverters`: .. _`mime type listener`: .. _`Test Cases for HTTP Test Cases for the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header field`: .. _`twig exception controller`: