Request Body Converter Listener

ParamConverters are a way to populate objects and inject them as controller method arguments. The Request body converter makes it possible to deserialize the request body into an object.

This converter requires that you have installed SensioFrameworkExtraBundle and have the converters enabled:

    request: { converters: true }

To enable the Request body converter, add the following configuration:

        enabled: true

Now, in the following example, the request body will be deserialized into a new instance of Post and injected into the $post variable:

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter;

// ...

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function putPostAction(Post $post)
    // ...

You can configure the context used by the serializer during deserialization via the deserializationContext option:

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body", options={"deserializationContext"={"groups"={"group1", "group2"}, "version"="1.0"}})
public function putPostAction(Post $post)
    // ...


If you would like to validate the deserialized object, you can do so by enabling validation:

        enabled: true
        validate: true
        validation_errors_argument: validationErrors # This is the default value

The validation errors will be set on the validationErrors controller argument:

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function putPostAction(Post $post, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
    if (count($validationErrors) > 0) {
        // Handle validation errors

    // ...

You can configure the validation groups used by the validator via the validator option:

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body", options={"validator"={"groups"={"foo", "bar"}}})
public function putPostAction(Post $post, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
    if (count($validationErrors) > 0) {
        // Handle validation errors

    // ...